Sofia Ouhbi
Dr. Sofia Ouhbi is currently an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Software Engineering department, in the College of Information Technology (CIT) at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). Prior to joining UAEU in Jan 2019, Dr. Ouhbi was an Assistant Professor at the International University of Rabat (Université Internationale de Rabat, UIR) and was a Visiting Researcher at the IT University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Dr. Sofia holds two doctoral degrees with the highest distinction in Informatics from École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Systèmes (ENSIAS), Morocco (Dec 2015) and from Universidad de Murcia, Spain (Sep 2017). She holds a Master degree from Université de Lorraine, France and “Diplôme d'Ingénieur d’Etat” from Institut National des Postes et Télécommunication (INPT), Morocco. She has acquired intersectoral skills through work experience both in academia and industry (at Hewlett-Packard 2009-2011). She has established a fruitful international collaboration and co-authored publications with more than 40 researchers from different countries. Her research bridges the areas of software engineering, software intensive services, design science, human computer interaction and connected health. Dr. Sofia has an active participation in organizing and chairing international conferences. She has experience as a referee for high-impact journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. She was invited as a keynote speaker in several international events and was invited to give tutorials in international conferences. Dr. Sofia has contributed to many national and international research projects and technology transfer contracts whose topics were related to Software Engineering and Health Informatics. She is currently the principal investigator of several research grants in UAE, and she has been granted the ADEK Abu Dhabi Young Investigator Award.
Most research interests for a scientist
- Software Engineering
- Health Informatics
- Software intensive services
- Design science
- Human computer interaction
- Connected health